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Integrated Learning Environments



From six weeks to one year old, infants are the youngest and most vulnerable among us. They will be engaged by the care taker, but also by the other children in the younger group as they are fed, changed, played with, and laid down throughout the day. They will be with the youngest among the children in the Lower Room. An infant's schedule will be synced up with the main schedule to ensure that they are involved as much as they can be in activities throughout the day, increasing their social skills and observation of language. 



This group includes our kiddos from one to three years old. This is such a fun stage because these kids will really start to engage with their peers in side by side play. They will observe and mimic the other children's words and behaviors in care. Due to this, toddlers will be included as much as possible in periods of learning. They will have stories read to them, engage in times of coloring and crafts, and play games that introduce shapes and colors. This group is also in the Lower Room of the home. 



At the ages of three and four, we watch development closely to see if they are ready to join the Upper Room group. When they are, we really cater our periods of learning to each individual child. We understand that children develop at different rates and encourage them to be involved in all sorts of different activities throughout each week. Each day, at the scheduled time, they will have a focused time of learning that will include activities using their fine motor skills, listening to stories and answering questions, and a lesson covering the basic skill of the day. Things that they learn during these times will be reinforced throughout the day by caretakers and the older children in care.


In their fourth and fifth year, children at Head and Heart Childcare will be engaged in a higher level of learning as they prepare to join a classroom setting. They will be given projects to do with step by step instructions, introduced to reading concepts, practice writing with fun games and start getting their hands on physical math tools. Each day of the week will hold a different elective for this age group and they will get to be the leaders of the projects that these involve as the preschool group joins in. 

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